Sunday, August 4, 2013

Fast Summer Sewing and Working the Backlog

I'm on a roll with a couple of Cutting Line Designs patterns, the Pure and Simple Shell and My Heart's a Flutter shell. They are perfect for the hot Southwestern climate, make nice coordinates with other garments, and sew up quickly. The Pure and Simple Shell is no longer on the Cutting Line Designs website, but try Googling it. There are still copies out there.

I've also revisited some remnants from past garments because these tops take a minimal amount of fabric.

This Heart's a Flutter shell was made from a piece of cotton lawn that was left over from a another top I made for our Puerto Rico trip. I think it came from Louise Cutting's booth when the ASG Convention was in Albuquerque in 2009. Very lightweight and a dream to work with!

This Pure and Simple shell is an exact remake of one I made for Puerto Rico. I loved the fabric, but not the fit so I traced off the pattern one size larger and re-cut it from leftovers. The fabric is a lightweight linen from JoAnn's.

I already have a second Heart's a Flutter shell cut out and another one in the planning stage. And another Pure and Simple shell planned.

But first, I've been working on some other projects that were already cut out and waiting to be sewn. I just finished another T shirt made from a rayon jersey remnant that I found at JoAnn's--a big surprise since it's so nice. I'm used my TNT Kwik Sew 2565 (OOP).

I also have another pair of TSW Hudson Pants ready to go,

This time, I'm making them in white twill that I found at JoAnn's, similar to what I used for the brown shorts from the First Day of School Project.

And I cut out another nightgown from this Simplicity (OOP).

I'm making the one in the drawing at the upper right of the picture.

I have more in the planning stages but for now, enough. I like having items cut out and ready to go but I don't want to get too far ahead of myself. Three cut and pending are enough.